Lyla Zicarelli - Event Liaison


Meet Team Member Lyla Zicarelli, a junior at the Epsicopal School of Dallas! She participates in community service council, pickleball, vestry, and the Friday morning Spanish community program at Calliet! She is also a member of NCL in Dallas! She is eager to advocate for the free patient support provided to patients and their families through LLS, and to raise money to go towards finding the cure for cancer. 

My Why:

I personally, am raising awareness and fund in memory of my grandmother Mary Ann Zicarelli. My grandmother passed away a few days after my older brother was born. She fought against Cancer, Lymphoma, for 15 years. I wish I would have been able to meet her before she lost her battle. I am also raising awareness and funds for my cousin, Greg, who currently suffers from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. My team CURE QUEST is working to raise as much as possible for LLS's mission and all those suffering from Lymphoma & Leukemia, past and present, and for those diagnosed in the future. We need better treatment for these blood cancers! My campaign will provide support to the critical work of LLS in hopes that one day no one will have to grow up without the ones they love. I know that with your help, I can reach my goal and make a direct impact in the fight against blood cancers.